Monday 17 November 2014

Fear Fear Fear.

Thursday 23rd October 2014 Enrolled onto the Pcet course at Townhill Campus yesterday. Felt quite nervous as the class had been together for a month, so felt like an intruder in an established group. However, I was wrong as they welcomed me into the class. The session was my dreaded subject of ICT, I have an immediate fear of the computer / technology world. Mandy the lecturer was obviously passionate about the subject and her knowledge astounded me. Everybody in the class seemed to follow her instruction, soaring ahead with the task in hand; NOT ME, even more fear arose. I sat there thinking 'What am I doing here'. I am a nurse with twenty six years experience, yes we use technology but not like this.This is certainly taking me out of my comfort zone. I don't do social media ( don't see the purpose of it?) I hardly text and have a faithful basic Nokia phone, the idea of an I phone does not ignite any interest at all.,, etc have no purpose in my life. Why tell strangers if you are having a bad day or a coffee? Really!I then find out our first assignment is a Blog - NIGHTMARE, I don't even know what a blog is. Came home feeling scared and alone in the technology world. Will I ever get into this blogging.

1 comment:

  1. I do use social media but I don't even know what kik is so you're ahead of me there! Don't stress. You're doing great. Nice use of hyperlinks to tell people about the course and the university btw ;-)
