Sunday 7 December 2014

The blogging balloon remains afloat

Seven weeks ago I embarked on a new phase in my Life, training to be a teacher. The first module was the planning, researching and constructing of this blog you have kindly followed and read. Let me tell you, I wanted to escape the world of technology but there I was embracing it with forced outstretched arms, even if those arms were being held by Mandy. Looking back, I am so glad Mandy held those arms, as i developed a new skill, with the immense fear of technology a distant memory.

This journey has not been easy, exposure to websites, applications, jargon and terminology at times left doubt as to whether I was learning a new language. I find myself conversing with people, dropping 'techno jargon' into the mix - really! even my children stand aghast as I enter the technology world.

I reflect on the contents of my blog, (first ever blog), stealing doubt that I wrote it, when seven weeks ago I didn't even know what a blog was. I have developed but still have a long way to go, but for someone who doesn't even contribute to social media this is advancement in itself.

Im glad to say I am converted into this world, continuing to learn and develop ICT skills. Adapting and incorporating into classroom sessions will certainly be on the agenda, along with investing in a smartphone (maybe).

 A ballon will stay afloat if its maintained and only fall if it's deflated.

 If I can do this, anyone can.

A site to share

Found this excellent website, that I wanted to share. The site has brilliant ideas of how to make a lesson more interactive, colourful and exciting. Students will relate more with the class activity as it can make it more fun, especially for younger students. Have a look.

Word Search made easy

As an avid puzzler, I like a challenge. I have passed my puzzling skills to my children who often partake in this past time, often to get out of doing homework, I hasten to add! Since they were small I have encouraged puzzles, particularly word searches which helped with spelling and sentence forming. Puzzle books were the only resource available until now.

Welcome to This site is so easy to use and is free. Just choose your puzzle, follow the instructions and hey presto within seconds, a puzzle you can use in class, as homework, part of presentation or just for fun.

How technology has changed the way we learn.

Since I was a child I have been eager to learn always aspiring to gain a new skill. Attending school in the 70's and early 80's we were taught with blackboards and chalk. We wrote in exercise books with pencils using rubbers to erase our mistakes. Our predecessors used slate and damp sponge.

 One highlight I remember was the teacher would request we put a collage together, pictures cut out of a magazine/ newspaper to tell a story or present a topic; out came the scissors and glue stick ready for the task at hand. We would think this was such an advancement in our education, now we have the delight of pin interest

Throughout my education, technology has grown, each course requiring a different level of technology resources. These changes are inevitable as schools,colleges and universities are embracing the advancements. I remember emailing a tutor my draft assignment to look at before handing in the final draft as a hard copy. I thought I was Bill Gates !This advancement is supported by Hargreaves (2007) who believes ICT has an immense importance, claiming it has had a "transformative effect" on education.

Many discussions and conferences take place on the topic of technology and its place in education. There is much debate, to which will never be resolved as there will always be doubters. However, many projects, research and collaborations are on-going to improve learning through technology. These are funded by microsoft, learning establishments and the government.

Education Secretary Michael Gove delivered a speech in 2013. The thought provoking speech was on how technology is revolutionising the way education is

It certainly provoked my thought. He firstly made some comparisons to historical figures, teaching methods, yet, stating that real education is still underpinned by ' A teacher talking to a group of pupils'.
To some extent I concur that technology can disseminate learning much more, being available to all with an internet connection. Yet, I disagree as not everybody has internet connection or the funds to install it. Many areas of Britain remain socially deprived or with poor signal.

 The promotion of in classroom games and interactive software allows pupils to acquire skills and knowledge in a way and pace personal to them, with the guidance of the teacher. I agree it is an excellent way to recognise and delver education to personal need. However, does this lead children to ridicule from the more advanced pupils.

As I discussed in a previous blog ( ted talks), education really needs to be devolved back to the teachers and schools, this was recognised and encouraged by Gove in his speech. The ICT curriculum will now be set by the learning establishments and teachers, being free to use the resources that already exsist on the web. Although technology has changed the way we learn there is still unquestionable doubt that the teacher is paramount as the core of education. Despite all the advancements we still need the educator and facilitator as from years gone by.

I have embedded the following link because it makes very interesting reading as you could question has technology inhibited our education especially in communication? Much to think about. In addition,the following website is a community designed to share and facilitate learning through technology, yet again another advancement .

Top 12 Ways Technology Changed Learning

Technology and Learning
In the 21st century, technology has changed the ways in which we communicate and go about our lives. Very few educators would disagree with the notion that technology has dramatically changed the teaching and learning process.
With the help of some fellow teachers, here is a short list of the top 12 ways how technology has changed education:

Communication Evolution

Because we text, our students have learned a dialect that we don't always understand. Kids communicate in many different modalities as a result of technology.  Maybe it’s 2M2H (too much to handle) for some adults :-)

Expanding Audience

Students' sense of audience is completely different.  When I was in high school in the 1980s, the audience was the teacher.  When I started teaching high school in 1988, the audience was the teacher and peers.  In the 21st century, it's the WORLD.  BloggingTwitterFacebook, and other online platforms changed our notion of audience.

Poster Boards: A Thing of the Past

Do you remember the history or science fair presentation boards that we created?  Web 2.0 tools like Glogster have changed this experience.  Glogster is a platform where students can create a multimedia "glog" or poster to demonstrate what they know and understand about a topic.

Bye Bye to 3-Ring Binders

There's no need to carry around a bulky three binder anymore. A computer, tablet computer can keep all of those files and handouts in neat folders.  There's also a web 2.0 tool, LiveBinders that allows users to create a binder online.

Interactive Textbooks

The way that we think of textbooks is completely changing. It is no longer limited to merely text and pictures. Today’s textbooks often have web-based sites that include assessments, animations, additional materials, videos, and other materials to support the learning of new content.

eBooks on the Rise

Speaking of textbooks, ebooks are becoming more prevalent in schools with the advancements of e-readers and tablet computers.  I think in the near future that students won’t carry around big bulky backpacks filled with heavy textbooks.

No More Note Passing

I’m not sure if this is directly connected to learning, but we don’t pass notes in class anymore.  Students text one another instead. It's just another funny way how technology has changed education.

Disappearance of the Chalk Board

Much attention has been placed on interactive gaming as a powerful platform for student learning. Every day, new programs and web-based tools are teaching our students content that was once paper or chalkboard based.

Assistive Tech for Better Communication

Voice recognition software has improved greatly in the past few years and is more accessible. Children with special needs and limited English proficiency are able to more effective communicate in language based contexts.

The iPad: A Game Changer

iPads are such adaptable and powerful tools for teaching and learning.  There are so many applications but I think the most powerful and exciting aspect is the enhancement of learning experiences for students with special needs, particularly those on the autism spectrum.

Extended Classroom Communities

Technology facilitates our ability to extend classroom community by using web-based platforms like Edmodo.  Teachers and students can use this platform to discuss homework, post assignments, and interact with peers as they work on projects.

Rise of Web-Based Research

We still use libraries, but so much of our research and learning is now more web-based.  What used to take hours in the library to find, we find instantaneously.  As a result, we need to sort through huge amounts of information efficiently.  We know how to get and use information. I would argue that because it takes less time to find information, we spend more time digesting, thinking, and learning about new information.

Meeting the Needs of All Learners

As educators, we know the power of Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences.  Technology facilitates our ability to meet the needs of all kinds of learners.

Hargreaves,D.H.(2007) Learning for life: The foundations for lifelong learning. Bristol: The policy Press.

WEB 2.0

Just  as I was getting used to web 1.0 ,  then web 2.0 came along.

Web 2.0 is the term given to describe a second generation of the world wide web that is focused on the ability for people to collaborate and share information online.  Web 2.0 basically refers to the transition from the static HTML web pages to a more dynamic web that is more organised and is based on serving web applications to users. Other improved function of web 2.0 includes open communication with an emphasis on web-based communities of users, and more open sharing of information. Over time web 2.0 has been used more as a marketing term than a computer science based term.

Blogs, wikis and web services are all seen as components of Web 2.0. This can be utilised very well into education as it allows sharing between students and teachers.                      

The value of mobile technology in teaching and learning.

Mobile learning is defined as "learning across multiple contexts,  through social and content interactions, using personal electronic devices in many locations. (Wikipedia). Those devices include handheld computers,  iPads, notebooks,tablets, Mps players, Pda's, mobile phones, smartphones, kindles, e-readers to name a few. There is a plethora of devices and gadgets available to the mobile learner.

Mobile technology is integrated into every day life, it is easy, convenient and it is accessible virtually anywhere. My experience of mobile technology and learning is very small, I have a faithful desktop Mac. The classic arrangement of a desk, chair and printer to hand instills more of an educational ambience to my learning; however I fully understand and appreciate the benefits of mobile learning.

Whilst reading around the subject, and discussing the devices with my children, it became apparent most of their information is obtained via their iPhones,iPads and kindles. Homework was completed in any room in the house, discussions would take place with their friends (hands free) whilst doing some other activity, gone are the days of being attached to one spot on the phone!

As a district nurse, two mobile phones was standard pocket decor to which would keep staff up to date and accessible, only now do I realise this was mobile technology!

It would seem children are much more technology 'savvy' as they are introduced at such an early age, in preparation for the evolving world. The present drive is to implement mobile hand held devices into the classroom which can then be transported to an outside activity, ultimately maintaining continuity of the lesson. The portability and mobility of cell phones, taking the classroom anywhere.

Mobile technology goes to school. Matt Cook is a teacher in Texas, who having observed his students decided to implement mobile technology into the classroom. Funding was sought from an external source, to provide the students with a  cell phone.They are exploring their educational uses, which Cook believes will become the cheapest way to do one-one computing.

The pilot programme involved the children having the phones 24 hours a day 7 days a week. The children worked with microsoft word and excel.They completed assignments, homework, and shared ideas with their peers. Matt Cook also made himself available for additional support. Parents were encouraged to participate with apps and software on the phones which hightned the child's learning experience. Wherever the children were they could gather data, capture images, use a drawing tool and work on their projects.

Mobile technology has proved it's worth within education as students seem to embrace the learning concept via a gadget as opposed to a book. Brown et al (2000), acknowledges that the use of online technologies to support  learning has a number of benefits in terms of flexibility.

Mobile technology has proved effective as it supports the learning process, particularly with special needs children, gaining a rewarding learning experience.

Brown,S.,& Strout-Dapaz, A. (2000). A close encounter Model for Reference Services to Adult Learners: The Value and Flexibility and Variance. Reference Librarian, Vol.33,Issue69/70,p85,8p,2 graphs; ( AN 3604623)

Google Drive - A Saviour

Google drive what a saviour.

As you may have gathered by now I really am not technology literate. I have struggled over the years with all things technical. Writing this blog has proved to be somewhat of a challenge. Despite all these claims, I have learnt a small puddle worth of information about technology, probably enough to fill a small fish pond But, hopefully my ultimate goal of filling a vast expanse of water with my technology knowledge is on the horizon of the sea. Enough of the philosophy!

My point, whilst exploring programmes and apps that are vastly available I discovered google drive

Wow, I know, your thinking how can you get excited about a computer programme. This comes from someone who had no idea of document storage and used to print off all pieces of work, documentation, store in a box under the bed. No more now I have discovered Google drive.

You can create and share work online. Access documents from anywhere. manage documents, spreadsheets, presentations, surveys. Cloud storage, file sharing and collaborative editing.

Google drive can be downloaded onto a smartphone, really taking mobile technology forward.
Since discovering goole drive, I have compiled documents just to store them in the drive, I feel fulfilled!!!!!!

Tuesday 25 November 2014

Microsoft and me

The word Microsoft is known worldwide. The term is all around us, in education, in healthcare, in industry, retail,entertainment, business and banking to name but a few; but do we all know exactly what it is?

To be truthful, I don't have a full appreciation for it's capabilities and worth, but that is ignorance on my part. When I attended secondary school computers were not part of my education, unlike today.

My experiences of Microsoft are word , office, execl and powerpoint. microsoft - official homepage. It's shameful to say but I have not really embraced the world of technology until joining the pcet course. Being inspired by Mandy our lecturer and fellow peers , this was an avenue I needed to explore.

Microsoft applications I used in the workplace were for writing reports, letters, emails and patient details on spreadsheets. I basically taught myself, learning from error. However, sadly the It system were I worked was not very reliable, which increased my frustration with IT!

On a personal level, I only used word for assignment writing. Exploring word I discovered it's uses' such as font, italics etc, but again only learning from my errors.

Wordle - words galore

Wordle is a word cloud that generates lots of text into one, This generates some colour and design into teaching aids instead of a list of words that just generate down the page or in table format. Wordle enables the user to use different layouts, fonts and colours. The finished clouds can be saved to present in your work or printed off.

Barriers to the effective use of technology in education

Are WE one of the main barriers to technology in education ?

 Personally, I was very anti-technology at the beginning, however I am beginning to see the benefits of it's use as a tool. I believe it can never replace the knowledge and skills of the teacher however can enhance it. How can I expect students to embrace technology if I am reluctant to embrace this world myself.

Minton (2005) believes barriers to education are not unlike phobias, the only way to overcome them is to face them squarely.

Whilst reading around the topic of barriers, it became apparent only one of the barriers was peoples fear   of technology and  resistance to change. The rest were external factors from educational / governing bodies.  Geography, also played a part. Bigger cities and towns would have an abundance of ICT facilities, where as smaller rural or deprived areas less so. These two articles highlight the need for action and the steps being made to ensure equality in education.

It would be interesting to do a study on whether the more technology resistant teachers worked in the rural deprived areas, and the more technology minded teachers in the inner cities? Yet, this is another blog for another topic!

I found many blogs and articles on barriers to education, but found www.useoftechnology to be quite interesting as they have some good topics of discussion, which make you think out of the box about teaching delivery and overcoming those barriers. They also have details of some good applications and programmes you can use for teaching, to engage the students.

Technology is a major part of education whether we agree with it or not. At the beginning of my pcet course I was very sceptical of how technology could really enhance learning and teaching ( a big barrier there - resistance to change), but, a few weeks on I am glad to say I can recognise it's benefit.  However, it is not as easily implemented as one thinks. Different schools and educational establishments have differing levels and opportunities to integrate technology into their everyday class and lecturers. This saddens me to think some students miss out, which could be a detriment to their progress.

The site / blog above highlights the explosion of technology to the point where some jobs could become obsolete in years to come, with greater opportunities in the world of technology. I understand we are moving into a world governed by technology, but surely some things cannot be replaced; such as the touch of a reassuring hand, the soft tones of an encouraging voice or the skill of a professional. Yes, I believe all these can still remain but with the help of technology for students and teachers.

The barriers are ever so present, however, all can be overcome with planning and intervention. The barriers are:
1. Lack of professional development / training.
2. Resistance to change / lack of confidence.
3. Lack of innovation.
4. Access / lack of resources
5. Cost / funds.

All the above except for point two need to be addressed by organisational, governing bodies/ structure. We are evolving into a very technology led world, yet unless the developments are established for all to have opportunity and support, how can we expect point two to be overcome.

 So, are we standing in the way of taking technology forward? Maybe we need to embrace the change and innovate the idea not only in our workplace but also for our personal usage.

Minton,D.(2005). Teaching Skills in further and adult education. London. Thomson learning.

Monday 24 November 2014


This clip is 20 minutes long, but it really is 20 minutes well spent. Anyone wanting to be a teacher should take inspiration from this thought provoking talk.

Being introduced to Ted talks for the first time proved a little embarrassing . Again my ignorance of technology galloped along until I realised Tedtalks was a website and not a member of the class. 

I decided to explore the ted talks website to see what all the chat was about, WOW what inspirational people. I decided to share Sir Ken Robinson talk on how to escape educations death valley. Along with his humour , he also strikes an alarming fact on college 'drop out' rates, a staggering 80% of american students.

Exploring the reasons, he soon identified it was because education was led by the culture of conformity, command and control and not student led. American students did not engage with education.
He recognised students are different, at different levels. Some prospered in the arts, others the sciences, yet did not have opportunities due to restricted curriculum.

He asked are kids being labelled as ADHD because education does not understand them? With all these ideas he researched other countries education systems, particularly their 'drop out rates'. Surprisingly, Finland has a  0% 'drop out'. Spurred on and armed with collated information an initiative evolved:
                                               ' No child left behind'

His future vision is somewhat basic yet so effective. Education needs to be devolved back to the school and teachers as ' they know best'. Present education policy is based on mechanistic conceptions, but true education is a human system not a mechanical one.

Investing in good teachers, broader curriculum choice, resources, students and support will see the future generation grow and prosper.
As my dear mum would say "feed a passion and it will grow'

The talk was inspirational as it brings back the basics of education and the skills of teachers as education is an individual experience and not uniformity.

Wales in the seventies
Just watched a good programme about Wales in the seventies on BBC1 Wales. It focused on children's experiences of education and how changing society influenced their education, beliefs, values and futures. It highlighted the external influences of music, rock concerts, religion, television and how freedom of speech changed the way children saw and wanted to be educated. Even in the seventies education was changing even before the explosion of technology.

Kids demands or education

Was meant to really get to grips with the blogging world this weekend, however the demands of our beloved children always seems to come first. The plea's (from me) that I have to blog falls on deaf ears!!! Kids!!!!
As any dutiful parent I ferried my daughter to meet her friends in the very noisy busy I safely handed her to another dutiful but willing parent, returning in two hours to collect a very excited, hyper child who wanted to tell me all about her experience.
I strolled around swansea in the pre xmas hustle and bustle. I felt myself swaying along with the rush when it dawned on me how much technology is around us and how a simple stroll can actually educate you along the way.People using mobile technology on the go, I was amazed surfing the 'net' whilst walking - amazing, I can just about talk while walking! Shops promoting on-line shopping, customer service via Facebook. Even signs stating percentages off items, you work out the cost. It's only when you stop and think do you realise and appreciate that we learn everyday.

I collected my daughter, who yes was talking as if she only had two minutes to tell me all about her afternoon, when I realised how much she had learnt in those two hours. Children absorb so much more than us, without consciously doing it or making a fuss, they embrace every new adventure and learn. So I am taking a leaf out of my daughters book and embracing the world of technology.

So before you dismiss a simple trip out, think of it as a new experience and absorb all the new information.

Monday 17 November 2014

Technology, blogging and me in education - Good, bad or indifferent ?

Half term week. The fear still persists about the 'Blog'. This is really worrying me. Read some information on the  internet and discovered people actually make a living and career out of blogging, HOW,HOW,HOW ???

I really need to do a lot of background reading on the pro's and con's of blogging and its use in teaching and learning. I think it's going to be hard to convert me to blogging, at this stage it's unlikely!! I decided to do some reading on the basics of technology and its place in education. It's a mine - field out there.

I spoke to my children on their opinions of technology, the resounding answer  " what would we do without it". At first this alarmed me to think my children were dependent on computers, internet etc, I didn't need it at their age! So what's changed?  THE WORLD!

 Technology is advancing, the benefits of ICT is global, we can't ignore it, we move with it. From a young age children are exposed to ICT whether it be electronic reading devices to computer games. The Rapid acceleration in the development of computer games and the investment in ICT in schools ensures that children are proficient in its use and are up to date with new developments (Cuthell 2006).

Embracing Cuthell (2006) words I decided to attack the world of technology, put the fear behind me and face the future, otherwise how can I facilitate learning when I can't  even use a smart board.

Cuthell, J.,(2006) Computers in the school; Technology and Teacher Education. Vol. 23 Issue 1/2, p99-110,12p

Fear Fear Fear.

Thursday 23rd October 2014 Enrolled onto the Pcet course at Townhill Campus yesterday. Felt quite nervous as the class had been together for a month, so felt like an intruder in an established group. However, I was wrong as they welcomed me into the class. The session was my dreaded subject of ICT, I have an immediate fear of the computer / technology world. Mandy the lecturer was obviously passionate about the subject and her knowledge astounded me. Everybody in the class seemed to follow her instruction, soaring ahead with the task in hand; NOT ME, even more fear arose. I sat there thinking 'What am I doing here'. I am a nurse with twenty six years experience, yes we use technology but not like this.This is certainly taking me out of my comfort zone. I don't do social media ( don't see the purpose of it?) I hardly text and have a faithful basic Nokia phone, the idea of an I phone does not ignite any interest at all.,, etc have no purpose in my life. Why tell strangers if you are having a bad day or a coffee? Really!I then find out our first assignment is a Blog - NIGHTMARE, I don't even know what a blog is. Came home feeling scared and alone in the technology world. Will I ever get into this blogging.

Wednesday 22 October 2014

Reflective Practice

This is a reflective learning mind map, developed using the website. This is a very modern version of the old spider plans that I used years ago to plan an essay or assignment. is brainstorming (or to be politically correct) thought showering made easy.

The mind map I would use in my daily work as a nurse when teaching students at a clinical level. I would prepare a particular practical skill, then reflective on the process and outcome. I would have prepared these on paper which were kept in my office, and to say they were looking a little worse for wear would be an understatement. However, now having discovered they can be adapted and stored safely on my computer.

They are colourful, changeable and more interactive to the student.

As part of reflective mind mapping, incorporating Kolb's theory into my teaching practice was beneficial in my area of work. As Nurses, reflection was incorporated into our practice so the theory is very suited. Constant reflection allows for appropriate change and enhancement of the experience. I enclose this very simple, concise diagram and explanation of the learning cycle.

The Experiential Learning Cycle

Kolb's experiential learning style theory is typically represented by a four stage learning cycle in which the learner 'touches all the bases':

learning styles kolb
    1. Concrete Experience - (a new experience of situation is encountered, or a reinterpretation of existing experience).
    2. Reflective Observation (of the new experience. Of particular importance are any inconsistencies between experience and understanding).
    3. Abstract Conceptualization (Reflection gives rise to a new idea, or a modification of an existing abstract concept).
    4. Active Experimentation (the learner applies them to the world around them to see what results).
Effective learning is seen when a person progresses through a cycle of four stages: of (1) having a concrete experience followed by (2) observation of and reflection on that experience which leads to (3) the formation of abstract concepts (analysis) and generalizations (conclusions) which are then (4) used to test hypothesis in future situations, resulting in new experiences.
learning cycle
Kolb (1974) views learning as an integrated process with each stage being mutually supportive of and feeding into the next. It is possible to enter the cycle at any stage and follow it through its logical sequence.
However, effective learning only occurs when a learner is able to execute all four stages of the model. Therefore, no one stage of the cycle is an effective as a learning procedure on its own.

This is me.

Wow! am I scared. Just enrolled to train to be a teacher. Moving with the technology times, to keep up with the next generation. My children wizz through computer 'things' as if it is second nature, I am so so ashamed, I need to catch up.

Here goes:

Away from the technology world, I am mid 40's, married with two children, 3 dogs, 5 cats, 1 guinea pig, 2 pet pigs, 3 geese, 10 ducks, 6 chickens and an elderly father.

I have spent the last twenty six years in the Nhs practising as a Nurse. My last job was a district sister in a large diverse town. The town had very differing health and educational needs. Having to deliver health care to a population that may not have embraced the education system to the full became a challenge of it's own. Communication and the ability to adapt information that allowed the recipient to achieve the desired outcome became quite a challenge. However, over the years this became a great passion of mine to which I wanted to expand further.

This year, life threw many challenges and life changing situations at me which made me re-evaluate my future. Having the opportunity over the years to expand my knowledge and skills through education, I decided to become the educator. Hence, leaving my current post to become a student teacher.

Life changing or what??